The other social drinking practice is very similar in appearance but the drink is very different. I haven’t tried this one yet but hope to soon. The truth is I can’t stand the smell of it so I’m not brave enough just yet. It looks like fresh bamboo, and until I actual know what it is that’s what I’m going to refer to it as. I hear that bamboo juice is very medicinal and tastes “Delicious” and “Nutty”. (I think you’d have to be a bit “nutty” to drink it!! harhar) but that must be what it is. Bamboo juice!
People flock to it in droves and sit around drinking it at different times of the day. It’s so popular that there are places set up right next to each other, one right after the other serving it.
They have this machine that’s basically a giant press that they feed the bamboo through.
The juice is collected underneath and poured into glasses.
The scraps are then collected by different people from the more rural areas and taken away. I don’t really know what they do with the bamboo scraps but I imagine it’s very instrumental to some kind of basket weaving or chair making or something. The people here are really resourceful and recycle just about everything.
It’s been brought to my attention by my friend Lila Margulies that what I’m calling “Bamboo Juice” is actually Sugarcane Juice! Sorry for the misleading information. Everything else I said was accurate, but I still haven’t tried it. More on this later.
This cracked me up! Yeah, does look a bit like bamboo...hope you try it though, it's yummy.
bamboo juice? what an idiot....
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